Getting prospects to visit your website takes effort, so it’s frustrating when you lose your visitors to a rival’s site. Every business suffers from this to some extent, so please use this checklist and help turn more of your lost opportunities into customers.

- Images that drive people away
Avoid city skylines or stock shots of anonymous business people. Insurance is a people business so consider featuring the friendly faces of the people in your firm – people that customers may speak to if they call.
- Confusion about whether you will be able to help
When a visitor comes to your website, is it instantly clear that you are a solution to their problem? If it’s not clear (and you’ve only got seconds to convince them) then you’ll need to improve how you promote the benefits you offer.
- Calls-to-action that are difficult to spot
Attention, interest, desire, action; that’s the process you want to take the visitor through - and all in a matter of seconds. Including a particularly eye-catching call-to-action is an easy fix and could make a big difference to the number of leads you get.
- Making it hard to get in touch
Most people simply want is to talk to an experienced and helpful person, so always feature an easy to find ‘contact us’ link on your site. Better still, also put your phone number and email address in your banner, or on a sidebar on every page so that visitors don’t need to click away to find it.
- Not capturing visitors’ contact details
People buy when they want to buy, not when you want to sell - but you can still convert many of the visitors to your website by capturing their contact details.
Here’s what to do. Pick a niche or primary customer segment and target them by offering something of value in return for their email address – for example a downloadable guide such as ‘Starting a home business? Why insurance could prove to be your best investment”
Once you have their email address you can keep talking – giving them advice and useful information. Soon they’ll start to trust you as an expert and therefore be more inclined to buy from you come renewal time.
- Making it a struggle to get a quote
When someone wants a quote from you nothing should stand in their way, so have a call-to-action button on your home page and make it impossible to miss.
People who want to research your business, learn about insurance or get customer support will poke around if they need to. But someone who wants a quote and can’t start immediately will leave your website in a heartbeat!
- Not building sufficient trust
People won’t buy from someone they don’t completely trust. Testimonials, engaging pictures of your staff, Google Reviews, a guarantee, great website design and relevant case studies are great ways to build trust and authority.
So are you a saint or a sinner? Whatever the answer, none of the above suggestions are difficult or costly, so please consider investing some time making the necessary changes.