Being highly referable means that when the opportunity arises, clients are quick to recommended you to friends. But what’s their motivation and how can you encourage it?
People refer for emotional reasons - it makes them feel good when their opinion is respected. They then validate their recommendation with logic - the confidence that their friend will benefit from their recommendation.

Therefore to make your business more referable, look to improve on the following:
- You exceed expectations?
Delivering a superior client experience is rarely enough to attract consistent referrals but it is a prerequisite. After all, no one recommends a restaurant if the food is a bit hit and miss, and the same goes for your business. Also consider adding a guarantee to your website as a way to show visiting prospects that you maintain exemplary customer service standards.
- You’re likeable and passionate?
People like charming and passionate people, plus if you aren’t excited about what you do, how can you expect other people to care enough to refer you?
- You’re polite?
Businesses that don’t thank their clients’ for giving a referral quickly stop being referable. Sending them a printed thank you card makes them feel appreciated, and encourages them to do it again.
- You’re memorable?
Are you a bit unremarkable? Consider what you can do to get clients to start talking about you.
- You clients are happy to endorse you in writing?
Referred prospects are likely to research you and your business, and if they see a series of ebullient testimonials and Google Reviews then they’ll be reassured. An added bonus is that Clients who give you an endorsement start to see themselves as official, published advocates and are therefore more likely to refer you in the future.
- You’re optimised?
Does your website make your company look current or dated? Would you recommend the business it represents? Plus make sure that it’s mobile optimised and that your LinkedIn profile is impressive.
- You’ve published your preferred partners?
By featuring your preferred partners on your website you help to reinforce the status and value (and therefore the referability) of your business. They can also be a great source of referrals.
- You’re actively helpful?
When networking, have you stopped selling and started helping?
- You’re a good listener?
People like people who listen to them. Learning to actively listen will get you more clients, more referrals and ensure that the contributions you make in a client consultation are well thought out, valuable and to the point.
Although most companies rely on referrals and recommendation for new business, only a tiny minority have a proactive referral programme. Use this checklist as the first step in your plan, and ensure that your name naturally springs to mind when the subject comes up.