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Call-to-action (CTA) best practice

A call-to-action is a combination of specific copy and graphics used to entice and persuade readers to take action.

Creating valuable content takes a lot of time, effort, and brainpower but your content must do more than simply inform; it must clarify and encourage the next step with a call to action

The two main types of CTA

  1. Soliciting the sale ‘Buy now'

    This is the link that takes your visitor from the content to the next step in forming a business relationship or making the sale.

  2. Capturing the lead

    The second tier for CTAs catches visitors while they’re considering your company, product, or service. Use these commands to collect email addresses through newsletter sign-up, white paper download forms, and other lead-generating tactics.

Example CTAs:

  • Offer a free consultation.
  • Create a trial version of your product.
  • Invite the visitor to sign up for a product demonstration.
  • Showcase an educational guide with advice on how to save time or avoid problems.
  • Promote an off-line seminar.