For the majority of businesses, direct mail can be one of your most reliable marketing techniques, and it can be very cost effective if you follow best practice. Read on to see how you could make some valuable improvements - and possibly even double your response rate!

See this comprehensive guide to managing a direct mail campaign.
Three ways you could double the effectiveness of your direct mail
- Improve the quality of your list
How up-to-date is your data? Even if it's written by the world's greatest copywriter, your direct mail campaign will fail completely if the intended recipient has moved away or the message is irrelevant to them.
Also ideally invest in generating your own database of contacts. Doing this means that they will already have some sort of positive connection with your business and are therefore much more likely to read and respond to what you send.
If you do decide to use a bought list then make sure you obtain it from a reputable source. Take the time to check names, verify data and confirm that the person on your list is the decision maker. Although this may seem time-consuming, it will greatly increase the number of interested buyers that you reach.
- Increase the strength of your creative (your copy, design and layout)
Have a look at these example recruitment letters. Understand how they engage with the reader and follow best practice.
Use this knowledge to improve the effectiveness of your sales letters, referral thank you postcards and other pieces of direct mail. Also consider the value of using a professional copywriter.
- Follow it up - at least nine times
Success with direct mail comes from being patient and persistent. Only a tiny percentage of your database are interested in what you are offering at any one time but most will find it relevant and valuable at some stage this year - so the more often you mail out, interact and engage with a client or potential customer the higher your chances of making a sale.