People buy solutions to their particular problems, so make sure your referral champions know exactly what they need to say to the ideal client persona in each niche that you serve.
- Ensure your message is clear, 'sticky' and memorable.
- Tailor it where appropriate so that it is relevant to your potential referer and their contacts.
For example, these are some of the main reasons for a client to use an Insurance Broker.

Create a simple message your champions can remember
If you need help creating your message/proposition, use the Problem, Solution, Benefit approach. This will help you to quickly explain what you do and how your customers benefit from it.
This formula is ideal for referral marketing because it's easy to remember and easy to repeat to others.
Once you’ve invested time getting it right, use it across your sales and marketing materials - and especially on your website home page.
A template to help you to construct your message

Features it on the reverse of your business card
This will be valuable:
- As an aide memoire for you when you're talking about your business
- As a simple message for your referral champions to use
- To give your staff a clear and concise sales message to use.

Here's an example of Problem, Solution, Benefit on a direct mail postcard