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Understand why your customers stop buying from you.

This study by RightNow Technologies shows that 73% of customers leave because of poor customer service. 

A study by the Rockefeller Corporation found that 68% of customers left simply because they felt that the company didn't care much about them.

Why people stop buying from businesses

  • 1% die.
  • 3% move away.
  • 5% follow a friend’s or relative’s recommendation.
  • 9% find an alternative they perceive to be better quality or value.
  • 14% are dissatisfied with the products or services.
  • And a massive 68% of people leave a business because of… indifference.


They take their business elsewhere simply because they do not feel valued.

Since you spend a lot of time, money, and effort to get a visitor to your business, if you let them leave because of indifference, you might as well be flushing £10 notes away.

A reactivation strategy with these previous/lapsed customers is often very cost effective.