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Email to potential referrals clients in advance of your call

Why this call works to boost referrals

Members of your team each contact, for example, fifteen likely advocates of the business. They might be clients with whom they have a good relationship, or they may have self selected themselves as potential referrers having clicked on your NPS email signature.

The call, that follows the above email, works because:

  1. It is easy for your staff to make, No one's trying to sell anything here.
  2. They are asking for the client's opinion. Everyone likes to be asked for advice, so the client should be happy to engage in conversation on the subject.
  3. It's a memorable way to start the process of giving these client's a 'referral mindset'.
  4. If your team can help the client to visualise the sort of person that would benefit from your services, during the call, then actual referrals commonly happen there and then.