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Three easy ways to use LinkedIn to build your business

Even though it’s one of the simplest and most effective business development methods available to you, LinkedIn still remains widely underused by UK brokers as a source of generating new clients.

So if you’ve yet to exploit this opportunity, read on for some valuable pointers on what to do:

  1. Use the search function to find new potential clients

    Decide on your primary target audience and update your LinkedIn profile accordingly. Ideally do the same for your Company profile.

    Then use the Boolean method to search for new prospects on LinkedIn (which initially is free).

  2. Build the relationship by connecting with your target audience on relevant LinkedIn Groups

    The Groups on LinkedIn provide you with an easy opportunity to connect with your target audience, and by doing this, share your expertise.

    Simply search for groups that have already been created in your business niche – then get involved in the conversation. Answering relevant questions posed by group members will demonstrate your expertise and help to build trust - so that when a member decides that they need your services, you’re the obvious person to contact.

  3. Make your networking and referral marketing easier and more effective

    LinkedIn is the modern-day networking event: it’s free, always available and you don’t need to travel to it.

    Here’s what you can do to boost your referrals, if for example you were a member of your local Chamber of Commerce:

    • Start by using LinkedIn to connect with the other members.
    • Then over time, enhance your relationship by sharing relevant articles you’ve found, that they might find valuable.
    • A bit later, scroll through the personal connections on LinkedIn of those individual members. Then decide who you’d like an introduction to.
    • Finally, politely ask them to make an introduction on your behalf.

So as you can see, the opportunities presented by LinkedIn are potentially too good to miss, especially if you’re targeting the B2B market. So why not see how much success you can enjoy by exploiting the opportunities made available on this, the premier business social media network.