- Begin to create a simple and effective communication plan.
Consider using the introductory email drafts, LinkedIn message and telephone script that you’ll find on page 10 of our Prospecting Guide.
Consider using our Pipeline Management Tool (on page 4 of the same guide).
- Remind yourself of why a new customer will benefit from using a broker.
Agree internally what particular benefit is most effective at bringing in new customers to your business. Ideally the benefit should focus on value, not price.
- Identify what resources you have in house (such as product summaries or explainer videos) that should deliver the greatest potential value to new customers, within each of your targeted segment.
- Now spend time reviewing the records within your in-house prospect/client data files.
Spot the trends within a successful new business call. For example, how many calls and/or contact touchpoints does it usually take to convert a new client?
- Use prospect data from Aviva
Remember that Aviva can provide you with prospecting data on previous quotes that were not taken up, offering insights into where some great opportunities may lie.