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Effective marketing emails - how to write them

If properly executed, email marketing is arguably your most effective digital marketing tool. Its role is to develop a trusting relationship with a growing number of prospects and customers so that when they’re ready to buy, they will choose you.

Here are 10 quick ways to improve your campaigns

  1. Listen

    If you have been listening to your customers then you’ll know what they’re struggling with. Use your emails to provide support, ideas and solutions.

  2. Be yourself

    Some emails are funny, and some are touching. Try to give yours a personality and tone-of-voice that supports your brand.

  3. Be helpful

    Don’t sell. Instead give them information that you know will be of value to them. It’s okay to have a call-to-action (linked to a landing page) if they want to find out more.

  4. Focus on your subject line

    Use these simple tricks to increase your email open rate.

  5. Use a proven formula

    This three step 'PAS' formula is commonly used by copywriters to structure their message.

    • Problem: Start by talking about a particular problem that your market has right now.
    • Aggravate: Intensify the consequences of this problem (and create a desire for the solution).
    • Solution: Show the reader how and why they can solve their problem (and channel their demand for your service).
  6. Stick to the point

    Keep it short and single-minded. Think about your audience and how limited their time is. Most people will only glance at an email subject line. If they trust the sender and the subject line peaks their interest then they’ll read the first sentence. If this holds their attention then they’re likely to read to the end.

  7. Write for the phone not for the desktop

    Write for the quick read on the go, not the long read at the desk.

  8. Use bullet points

    Keep it simple and useful by enabling your audience to skim through your message.

  9. Keep to three lines, maximum

    Testing shows that people reading online will often give up if confronted by a lengthy paragraph. Jargon, unknown acronyms and long sentences have the same effect.

  10. Never be boring

    Think carefully before you publish. Irrelevant, or poorly written emails can have a devastating effect on your future email open rates.

Your aim must be to build a mutually valuable relationship of credibility, expertise and trust. Use our step-by-step guide to learn more on how to develop and run compelling email campaigns.