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Convert 80% of your leads by actively following up 5 times

You know how valuable each lead is – but how much more valuable would they be if there was a guaranteed return on the majority of them?

There’s no doubt that the more times you (sensitively) follow up a lead, the more connected your prospect feels towards your business and the more likely it is that they’ll eventually become a client. Recent research backs this up, arguing that you could achieve an 80% + conversion rate.

A reminder of why it takes so long for leads to convert

  • Initially the prospect doesn’t know you and needs time to build up a trusting relationship before they buy.
  • Inertia and lack of time are other common reasons, as is insurance not being their top priority at that exact moment.
  • Cash flow or budget restraints may sometimes be a factor.
  • Plus for most of the year, now simply isn’t the right time to make this buying decision.

What stops you from actively following up?

  • Being so busy, you simply forget.
  • Some of your team may be uncomfortable with the way they're being asked to follow up, for example by telephone, seeing it as being too pushy.
  • Others get disheartened and find it hard to remain motivated.
  • Many businesses don’t have a lead follow-up programme in place, so there’s no management supervision.

So what’s the solution?

  • Talk your team through the issues and their concerns and agree a plan that everyone buys into.
  • Construct a system that tracks every lead.
  • Consider the value of implementing a staff incentive programme.
  • Ideally use email and content marketing to help to build a positive relationship with each prospect. Check that you have permission to contact each lead by email (see recent GDPR regulations).

Finally remember that every time a potential client says ‘no’, you are statistically a step closer to them becoming a client.