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LinkedIn broker business development – an introductory guide

So you probably already know that LinkedIn can be a really powerful tool for building your business - but to do this, where’s the best place to start?

To begin with:

Then, every other day:

  • Post something on LinkedIn that you know will be valuable to your customer base.

    For example this might be how best to maintain cyber security for your remote/home workers, or the best time to renew car insurance in order to get the most competitive price.

  • Try to connect with every client, or potential client, that you come into contact with.

    To do this, consider downloading our free ‘LinkedIn Client Invitation’ template on Broker Create.

Once a week:

  • Actively promote your business by cross promoting your content to other media and social platforms.

    Use the 3-2-1 model. Every week, aim to promote three pieces of useful/valuable industry content, two pieces of relationship/engagement content (such as something you're doing to support a local charity) - but then ideally only publish one piece of product or service-related content.

Once a quarter: